Welcome to Data Bind for Unity |
Welcome to Data Bind for Unity! Glad you found your way here to check out the API in more detail. Feel free to report any missing descriptions or obscurities to us ( contact@slashgames.org ). We will fix them as soon as possible! |
Here is a bunch of links you might find useful to get more information about our plugin.
Official Unity forum thread - Post there for any positive/negative feedback, wishes for new features, questions, etc.
Documentation - Tutorials, Examples and more.
Issue Tracker - Send us your bug reports and feature requests
Asset Store Page - Leave your review there to tell other people your opinion about the plugin.
You might check out those core classes first if you can't decide where to start:
Data-side classes:
Data Context: Slash.Unity.DataBind.Core.DataContext
Data Property: Slash.Unity.DataBind.Core.DataProperty
Presentation/UI-side classes:
Data Binding: Slash.Unity.DataBind.Core.PresentationDataBinding
Text Text Setter: Slash.Unity.DataBind.UI.Unity.SettersTextTextSetter
Button Click Command: Slash.Unity.DataBind.UI.Unity.CommandsButtonClickCommand