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Slash.Unity.DataBind.Foundation.Providers.Formatters Namespace

Formatters take an arbitrary number of data values and create a string out of them.
Public classConditionalFormatter
Returns one of two values, depending on a specified condition.
Public classDurationFormatter
Converts a data value which represents a duration in seconds to a formatted string.

Input: Single (Duration in seconds).

Output: String (Formated duration).

Public classFallbackValueFormatter
Provides a fallback value if the specified data value is not set.
Public classFormatterTTarget, TData
Base class for a formatter that adjusts a bound target by the bound data.
Public classMaterialMainTextureFormatter
Adjusts the main texture of a material depending on the bound value.
Public classMaterialTextureFormatter
Adjusts the texture with the specified name of a material depending on the bound value.
Public classPrependSignFormatter
Prepends in front of the data value.

Input: Number

Output: String

Public classSmoothCollectionChangesFormatter
Smoothes adding item to a collection. Most commonly used to avoid creating multiple game objects in the same frame.
Public classStringFormatter
Formats arguments by a specified format string to create a new string value.
Public classStringToLowerFormatter
Formats a string by converting all letters to lower-case.
Public classStringToUpperFormatter
Formats a string by converting all letters to upper-case.