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UnityGameObjectUtils Methods

The UnityGameObjectUtils type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAddChild(GameObject, String)
Instantiates a new game object with the specified name and adds it to the game object. Makes sure the position/rotation/scale are initialized correctly.
Public methodStatic memberAddChild(GameObject, GameObject)
Instantiates a new game object from the specified prefab and adds it to the game object. Makes sure the position/rotation/scale are initialized correctly.
Public methodStatic memberDestroyChildren
Destroys all children from the specified game object.
Public methodStatic memberGetChildren
Collects all children from the specified game object.
Public methodStatic memberGetDescendants
Public methodStatic memberGetDescendantsAndSelf
Public methodStatic memberGetOrderedChildren
Returns all children of the specified game object, ordered by name.
Public methodStatic memberGetPath
Returns the full path (i.e. names of all ancestors and self) to the game object.
Public methodStatic memberGetScale
Returns the absolute scale of the specified transform relative to the specified ancestor.
Public methodStatic memberSetScale
Sets the absolute scale of the specified transform relative to the specified ancestor.
See Also