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Slash.Unity.Common.Utils Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Slash.Unity.Common.Utils"]

Public classActiveOnPlatformBehaviour
(De-)Activates this game object depending on the current runtime platform.
Public classGLUtils
Utility methods extending Unity low-level OpenGL support.
Public classInspectorTooltipAttribute
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Public classLogDeviceIdBehaviour
Logs the unique device identifier on awake.
Public classOpenUrlOnClickBehaviour
Behaviour to open an url when receiving the OnClick event.
Public classUnityColorUtils
Utility methods for handling Unity color objects.
Public classUnityGameObjectUtils
Utility methods for handling Unity game object hierarchies.
Public classUnityPathUtils
Utility methods for handling URIs in Unity.
Public classVersionNumberBehaviour
Provides the version number specified by the text file at the given path.