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MathConversionExtensions Class
Contains extension methods to convert from/to Unity/framework mathematical structures.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Slash.Unity.Common.Math
Assembly: Slash.Unity.Common (in Slash.Unity.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.6018.40182
public static class MathConversionExtensions

The MathConversionExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberToRect(RectangleF)
Converts the specified framework rectangle to an Unity rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberToRect(RectangleI)
Converts the specified framework rectangle to an Unity rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberToRectangleF
Converts the specified Unity rectangle to a framework rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberToRectangleI
Converts the specified Unity rectangle to a framework rectangle.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2(Vector2F)
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2(Vector2I)
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2F(Vector2)
Converts the specified Unity vector to a framework vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2F(Vector3) Obsolete.
Converts the specified Unity vector to a framework vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2FXY
Converts the specified Unity vector to a framework vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2FXZ
Converts the specified Unity vector to a framework vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector2I
Converts the specified Unity vector to a framework vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector3(Vector3F)
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector3(Vector2F, Single) Obsolete.
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector3XY
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
Public methodStatic memberToVector3XZ
Converts the specified framework vector to an Unity vector.
See Also