RectangleF Class |
Namespace: Slash.Math.Geometry.Rectangles
The RectangleF type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
RectangleF |
Constructs a new rectangle without position or size.
| |
RectangleF(Vector2F, Vector2F) |
Constructs a new rectangle with the specified position and size.
| |
RectangleF(Single, Single, Vector2F) |
Constructs a new rectangle with the specified position and size.
| |
RectangleF(Vector2F, Single, Single) |
Constructs a new rectangle with the specified position and size.
| |
RectangleF(Single, Single, Single, Single) |
Constructs a new rectangle with the specified position and size.
Name | Description | |
Area |
Gets the area of this rectangle, the product of its width and height.
| |
Bottom |
Gets the y-component of the bottom side of this rectangle.
| |
BottomLeft |
Gets the position of the bottom left corner of this rectangle.
| |
BottomRight |
Gets the position of the bottom right corner of this rectangle.
| |
Center |
Gets the position of the center of this rectangle.
| |
Height |
Gets or sets the height of this rectangle.
| |
Left |
Gets the x-component of the left side of this rectangle.
| |
Position |
Gets the position of this rectangle.
| |
Right |
Gets the x-component of the right side of this rectangle.
| |
Size |
Gets or sets the size of this rectangle, its width and height.
| |
Top |
Gets the y-component of the top side of this rectangle.
| |
TopLeft |
Gets the position of the top left corner of this rectangle.
| |
TopRight |
Gets the position of the top right corner of this rectangle.
| |
Width |
Gets or sets the width of this rectangle.
| |
X |
Gets or sets the x-component of the position of this rectangle.
| |
XMax |
Maximum x-value of this rectangle.
| |
XMin |
Minimum x-value of this rectangle.
| |
Y |
Gets or sets the y-component of the position of this rectangle.
| |
YMax |
Maximum y-value of this rectangle.
| |
YMin |
Minimum x-value of this rectangle.
Name | Description | |
Contains(RectangleF) |
Checks whether this rectangle entirely encompasses the passed other one.
| |
Contains(Vector2F) |
Checks whether this rectangle contains the point denoted by the specified vector.
| |
Equals(Object) |
Compares the passed rectangle to this one for equality.
(Overrides ObjectEquals(Object).) | |
Equals(RectangleF) |
Compares the passed rectangle to this one for equality.
| |
FromBounds |
Creates a new rectangle from the specified bounds.
| |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code of this rectangle.
(Overrides ObjectGetHashCode.) | |
Intersects |
Checks whether this rectangle at least partially intersects the passed other one.
| |
ToString |
Returns a String representation of this rectangle.
(Overrides ObjectToString.) | |
Union |
Creates the union of this rectangle and the specified other one.
Name | Description | |
ToRect |
Converts the specified framework rectangle to an Unity rectangle.
(Defined by MathConversionExtensions.) |