Click or drag to resize

Version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.4 was released on 25/07/2015.

Changes in This Release
  • ADDED: Examples - New example with a StringToUpperFormatter which converts a text to upper case.

  • FIXED: Core - Private fields of base classes for derived types are not reflected, so base classes have to be searched for data property holders as well.

  • CHANGED: StringFormatter - Forwards the format string if string.Format fails.

  • ADDED: Setters - Added non-abstract GameObjectItemsSetter to use to instantiate game objects for the items of a collection.

  • ADDED: Core - Added indexer, IndexOf and RemoveAt method to Collection class.

  • ADDED: Context Path - Added property to ContextPathAttribute to set a custom display name for the path to be used by the PathPropertyDrawer.

  • ADDED: Unity UI - Added setter and getter for Toggle.isOn field.

  • ADDED: Examples - Added example for doing equality checks and selection for an enum.

  • ADDED: Getters - Added getter for the values of a specific enum type.

  • ADDED: Type Selection - Added drawer for a selection of a specific type for a base type.

  • CHANGED: ItemsSetter - Creating items even if value is just an enumeration and no Collection.

  • ADDED: EqualityCheck - Converting string to enum value to check for equality.

  • FIXED: PathPropertyDrawer - Custom path wasn't shown initially.

  • CHANGED: TextAssetLoader - Adjusted context menu naming to match class name.

  • CHANGED: ArithmeticOperation - Renamed parameters from ArgumentA/ArgumentB to First/Second for consistent naming.

  • CHANGED: InvertBoolOperation - Renamed Argument to Data for consistent naming.

  • CHANGED: TimeFormatter - Renamed to DurationFormatter.

  • FIXED: EqualityCheck - Converting data value before doing equality check to consider comparison e.g. to string constant.

  • FIXED: PathPropertyDrawer - All arguments of StringFormatter switched to custom path if switching one to it. Storing custom path flag for each property path separately. (Issue:

  • CHANGED: Context Node - Correctly creating context path which starts from context that was determined by the path depth.

  • CHANGED: Context Node - Caching master path and contexts at the same time. Depth value defines the path depth, not the context holder depth.

  • ADDED: Tests - Added test when using multiple context holders with a master path in between.

  • ADDED: Tests - Added unit tests for relative data path.

  • ADDED: Diagnostics - Added script to initialize a ContextHolder with a specific context type.

  • CHANGED: Data Bind - Clearing cached contexts when hierarchy changed. Otherwise a wrong cached context is used when a game object is placed under a new parent game object, e.g. on lists.

See Also

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