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Slash.ECS.Components Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Slash.ECS.Components"]

Public classComponentManager
Maps entity ids to specific game components. By contract this manager should be responsible for mapping components of a single type, only. This way, entity ids can be mapped to different components, one of each type.
Public classEntityComponent
Base class for an entity component.
Public classEntityManager
Creates and removes game entities. Holds references to all component managers, delegating all calls for adding or removing components.
Public interfaceIEntityComponent
Contract that all game components have to fulfill if they are to be attached to entities.
Public delegateComponentAddedDelegateT
Delegate for registering for when a component of a specific type was added.
Public delegateComponentRemovedDelegateT
Delegate for registering for when a component of a specific type was removed.
Public delegateEntityInitializedDelegate
Delegate for EntityManager.EntityInitialized event.
Public delegateEntityRemovedDelegate
Delegate for EntityInitialized.EntityRemoved event.