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Slash.Diagnostics.ReSharper.Annotations Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:Slash.Diagnostics.ReSharper.Annotations"]

Public classAspMvcActionAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC action. If applied to a method, the MVC action name is calculated implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)]
Public classCode exampleAspMvcActionSelectorAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. When applied to a parameter of an attribute, indicates that this parameter is an MVC action name.
Public classAspMvcAreaAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC araa. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)]
Public classAspMvcControllerAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC controller. If applied to a method, the MVC controller name is calculated implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String, String)]
Public classAspMvcDisplayTemplateAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC display template. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.DisplayExtensions.DisplayForModel(HtmlHelper, String)]
Public classAspMvcEditorTemplateAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC editor template. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.EditorExtensions.EditorForModel(HtmlHelper, String)]
Public classAspMvcMasterAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC Master. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, String)]
Public classAspMvcModelTypeAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC model type. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, Object)]
Public classAspMvcPartialViewAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC partial view. If applied to a method, the MVC partial view name is calculated implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Html.RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(HtmlHelper, String)]
Public classAspMvcSupressViewErrorAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. Allows disabling all inspections for MVC views within a class or a method.
Public classAspMvcViewAttribute
ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC view. If applied to a method, the MVC view name is calculated implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(Object)]
Public classCode exampleBaseTypeRequiredAttribute
When applied to a target attribute, specifies a requirement for any type marked with the target attribute to implement or inherit specific type or types.
Public classCode exampleCanBeNullAttribute
Indicates that the value of the marked element could be null sometimes, so the check for null is necessary before its usage.
Public classCode exampleCannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute
Indicates that the value of the marked type (or its derivatives) cannot be compared using '==' or '!=' operators and Equals() should be used instead. However, using '==' or '!=' for comparison with null is always permitted.
Public classContractAnnotationAttribute
Describes dependency between method input and output.
Public classInstantHandleAttribute
Tells code analysis engine if the parameter is completely handled when the invoked method is on stack. If the parameter is a delegate, indicates that delegate is executed while the method is executed. If the parameter is an enumerable, indicates that it is enumerated while the method is executed.
Public classCode exampleInvokerParameterNameAttribute
Indicates that the function argument should be string literal and match one of the parameters of the caller function. For example, ReSharper annotates the parameter of ArgumentNullException.
Public classCode exampleLocalizationRequiredAttribute
Indicates that marked element should be localized or not.
Public classMeansImplicitUseAttribute
Should be used on attributes and causes ReSharper to not mark symbols marked with such attributes as unused (as well as by other usage inspections)
Public classCode exampleNotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute
Indicates that the method is contained in a type that implements INotifyPropertyChanged interface and this method is used to notify that some property value changed.
Public classCode exampleNotNullAttribute
Indicates that the value of the marked element could never be null
Public classPathReferenceAttribute
Indicates that a parameter is a path to a file or a folder within a web project. Path can be relative or absolute, starting from web root (~).
Public classPublicAPIAttribute
This attribute is intended to mark publicly available API which should not be removed and so is treated as used.
Public classCode examplePureAttribute
Indicates that a method does not make any observable state changes. The same as [!:System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute]
Public classRazorSectionAttribute
Razor attribute. Indicates that a parameter or a method is a Razor section. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to [!:System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.RenderSection(String)]
Public classCode exampleStringFormatMethodAttribute
Indicates that the marked method builds string by format pattern and (optional) arguments. Parameter, which contains format string, should be given in constructor. The format string should be in Format(IFormatProvider, String, Object) -like form
Public classUsedImplicitlyAttribute
Indicates that the marked symbol is used implicitly (e.g. via reflection, in external library), so this symbol will not be marked as unused (as well as by other usage inspections)
Public enumerationImplicitUseKindFlags
Public enumerationImplicitUseTargetFlags
Specify what is considered used implicitly when marked with MeansImplicitUseAttribute or UsedImplicitlyAttribute